OnePlace is our internal Company Hub for our employees to find information relevant to their role within R&D Cleaning Services Ltd.

You MUST contact the office on 01527 830454.  If you are on a Morning shift then call no later than 1 hour before you are scheduled to begin work.  If you are on an Afternoon or Evening shift you MUST contact the office on 01527 830454 by 12:00pm (lunchtime).  You MUST contact the office each subsequent day to inform us whether you will still be off work or are returning to work.  In the event that your absence is for 7 days or more you will be required to send in a "Fit Note/Sick Note" from your doctor which should be sent to the office by email or post to R&D Cleaning Services Ltd, Ashtenne Business Park, Oxleasow Road, Redditch, B98 0RE.

In the event of an accident/incident at work you MUST report this immediately to your site supervisor & the Health & Safety Officer at the Client Site where you are working.  If you are the only R&D Cleaning Services Employee on your site then you MUST report this immediately to the office on 01527 830454 and to the Health & Safety Officer at the Client Site where you are working.  Your workplace accident/incident book should recorded in the Client's On-Site Accident book and R&D Cleaning Services will contact you to discuss the accident/incident and carry out a report of our own.

Holidays are calculated for each individual client site an employee works at and is based on their start date and the bank holidays and shut downs that are allocated to that particular client site.

Each employee at R&D Cleaning Services Ltd receives an email, from, and from this link you will be able to access your individual holiday chart which is updated each time you request a holiday.  For your information - the subject line of this link will be "Your R&D Cleaning Services Ltd - Annual Holiday Chart".

The holiday chart will list all of the holiday dates we have received from you and any other dates that are known to R&D Cleaning Services from their clients. 

There may be a possibility that a client adds further holiday dates to their calendar and we will need to add those to your holidays to your holiday chart - this will be discussed with you if this affects you on a individual case by case basis if this occurs.

 It is your responsibility to be sure that you have enough holiday entitlement to cover the days you wish to take off work and to be sure you have submitted a HOLIDAY REQUEST FORM and had this request approved by R&D Admin.

Your annual holiday entitlement is calculated for each site you work at and is worked out by the number of days and hours you work in a week from the start of your contract for that particular site.  Annual holiday entitlement during your 1st year of employment accrues at the rate of 1 twelfeth of the full annual holiday entitlement on the 1st day of each month in advance.  Please refer to the Employee Handbook which you will have received upon commencement of employment with the company or you can find a copy of the contract in the Useful Documents section of One Place.  A MINIMUM OF 4 WEEKS notice should be given when requesting a holiday.  We will always try to accomodate holiday requests but due to the number of client sites and cover that is required for holidays we can not guarantee a holiday request.

A Holiday Request Form can be found HERE

Complete the Holiday Request form with the following information:-

First Name, Last Name & Main Place of Work,  Email Address & Mobile Phone Number.

In the Holiday Request Form there is a section where you can give the details about your holiday requirements.  You must provide your holiday - Start Date, End Date, Return to Work Date, Total Number of Days taken for this holiday request & which place of work you wish to take holiday from.  If you have more than 1 job with R&D you must state whether holiday is for ALL JOBS or if it is only for a specific job.


Start Date: Monday 12th August 2024

End Date: Friday 16th August 2024

Return to Work: Monday 19th August 2024

Total Days: 5

Holiday from Pilkingtons AGR Only


Holiday Request Forms can be found HERE.


We understand that sometimes it isn't possible to give 4 Weeks Notice for a day off and that sometimes, in emergencies, it is necessary to use holidays to deal with family or personal issues.  In this instance we would request that you speak as soon as you are aware that you require a time off  to your supervisor and Jayne Rocket, Services Manager to discuss what can be done to assist you.

You will be every 2nd Thursday ie. Fornightly. Your payslip is available to view or download via our QTAC portal.  You will be given log in details when your employment commences with R&D Cleaning Services Ltd.  If you have any issues accessing the QTAC  portal or queries regarding your pay please contact the office on 01527 830454 or and we will endeavour to assist you.

We have a legal requirement to ensure that all of your personal data is kept up-to-date and confidential.  If you have any changes to your name, address, bank details, mobile and landline telephone numbers, email address, next of kin etc.  You MUST inform the office of these changes either in an email to or you can use the contact form here in One Place and let us know the details of the changes.  If you are unable to access emails then please let your supervisor know in writing and they will ensure this is forwarded to the office.

It is not unusual for employees to have multiple jobs with multiple companies outside of R&D Cleaning Services Ltd.  When someone is employed with more than one company it can make issues with their tax payments/code and, occasionally, you may incur deductions that you were not expecting.  R&D Cleaning Services Ltd do not have access to  your personal tax records and we are issued with information regarding your tax code from HMRC for our payments purposes only.  If you believe that you have been taxed or deducted monies incorrectly then we would advise that you to contact HMRC direct to discuss this with them.  Their contact telephone number is HMRC Income Tax HelpLine is 0300 200 3300.  However, if you have a query regarding hourly payment or holiday payment from your latest payslip then please contact the office on 01527 830454 and will endeavour to assist you with this.

You will be allocated branded company uniform, this can consist of the following: - Work T-shirts,  Tabbards, Sweatshirts, Work Trousers, Safety Shoes/PPE.  You MUST wear this uniform at your place of work at all times and it must be kept clean and worn in an acceptable fashion.  In the event that damage occurs to any items of uniform you MUST report this to your site supervisor or the office on 01527 830454 to discuss replacement.  You can also fill in the Contact Us form on One Place to inform us of any issues with workwear or PPE.

In the event that you wish to leave R&D Cleaning Services Ltd - we will, of course, be sad to hear that you are leaving us, but, in order that we can continue to provide a service to the client with a little disruption as possible, we ask that you give us AT LEAST ONE WEEKS NOTICE in writing to confirm when you will be ending your contract with us.  You MUST send your notice by email or post to R&D Cleaning Services Ltd, Ashtenne Business Park, Oxleasow Road, Redditch, B98 0RE.